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Biosafety Appeals Board Website

Biosafety Appeals Board is established under section 35 of Biosafety Act. No.2 of 2009. The Board’s mandate is to receive and adjudicate appeals emanating from decisions of the National Biosafety Authority (NBA).

The mandate of the board is to receive and adjudicate appeals from parties aggrieved by decisions of National Biosafety Authority as it exercises supervision and control over activities relating to the development, transfer, handling and use of genetically modified organisms.

Who is legible for Appeal?

A person who disputes the decision of the Biosafety Authority on any matter arising under the biosafety act of 2009, upon giving notice in writing to the authority may appeal to the biosafety appeal board; provided that such person shall before appealing pay a non-refundable fee of Ksh 10,000.

Conditions for Filing an Appeal?

These conditions must be met in order for an appeal to the board to be effective.

Procedures for Making an Appeal.

When an appeal is made in accordance with the requirements, it will follow these procedures.

Costs associated with Appealing

These are the fees for the Biosafety Appeals Board's appeals process.

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Appeals' Requirements

Process of Appeal

Roles of Board

Notice of Appeal